Colibri Core
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NstdSTL namespace
 Chash< const Pattern * >
 Chash< const PatternPointer * >
 Chash< Pattern >
 Chash< PatternPointer >
 CAbstractValueHandlerAbstract value handler class, all value handlers are derived from this. Value handlers are interfaces to the values in Pattern Maps. They are used to abstract from the actual value data type and provide some common methods required for all values, as well at methods for serialisation from/to binary file. All are derived from the abstract class AbstractValueHandler
 CAlignedPatternMapA nested pattern map, useful for storing patterns that map to other patterns, which in turn map to values. An example is phrase-translation tables in Machine Translation
 CBaseValueHandlerThis templated class can be used for all numeric base types (such as int, uint16_t, float, etc)
 CClassDecoderClass for decoding binary class-encoded data back to plain-text. The ClassDecoder maintains a mapping of classes (integers) to words. It allows decoding of a corpus that was losslessly compressed by substituting words for classes. The classes are distributed based on word frequency, with frequent words receiving a lower class number that can be represented in fewer bytes, and rare words receiving a higher class number
 CClassEncoderClass for encoding plain-text to binary class-encoded data. The ClassEncoder maintains a mapping of words to classes (integers). It allows a corpus to be losslessly compressed by substituting words for classes. The classes are distributed based on word frequency, with frequent words receiving a lower class number that can be represented in fewer bytes, and rare words receiving a higher class number
 CHashOrderedPatternSetA pattern store in the form of an ordered set (i.e, no duplicates). Stores only patterns, no values
 CIndexedCorpusClass for reading an entire (class encoded) corpus into memory. It provides a reverse index by IndexReference. The reverse index stores positions and unigrams
 CIndexedDataCollection of references to position in the corpus (IndexReference). Used by Indexed Pattern models
 CIndexedDataHandlerData handler for IndexedData. Deals with serialisation from/to file and conversions
 CIndexedPatternModelAn indexed model mapping patterns to values, high-level interface. This is a specialised subclass of PatternMap
 CIndexReferenceReference to a position in the corpus
 CPatternPattern class, represents a pattern (ngram, skipgram or flexgram). Encoded in a memory-saving fashion. Allows numerous operations
 CPatternMapA pattern map storing patterns and their values in a hash map (unordered_map)
 CPatternMapStoreAbstract class for map-like pattern stores, do not instantiate directly
 CPatternModelA model mapping patterns to values, gigh-level interface
 CPatternModelInterfaceBasic read-only interface for pattern models, abstract base class
 CPatternModelOptionsOptions for Pattern Model loading and training
 CPatternSetA pattern store in the form of an unordered set (i.e, no duplicates). Stores only patterns, no values
 CPatternSetModelA pattern model based on an unordered set, does not hold data, only patterns. Very suitable for loading constraint models
 CPatternStoreAbstract Pattern store class, not to be instantiated directly
 CPatternStoreInterfaceLimited virtual interface to pattern stores
 CPatternStoreValueHandlerA complex value handler for values that are themselves pattern stores (allows building nested maps)